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After a lifetime of thinking about it, we finally made it to New Zealand in March 2019. Fearing the effects of a flight half way around the world we kept our ambitions modest and stayed close to Auckland for the first couple of days.
Our visit to the harbour area started inauspiciously when we struggled to park and ended up paying by far the most expensive parking fee we’ve ever encountered. We walked to the Ferry Building area by the harbour, planning to take a ferry somewhere. But once we’d checked the destinations and schedules we realised that our timing would not allow us to do anything worthwhile. So we opted for a classic 2 hour harbour tour, which was in fact a lot of fun and allowed us to see a lot of the area.
I was quite disappointed by the Auckland waterfront. They have a fine asset in the old brick and sandstone Ferry Building which dates from 1912. But much of the waterfront seems to be covered by nondescript modern structures, so you can't really enjoy the views and sights.
But Auckland Harbour (or Waitematā Harbour to be more accurate) is a hive of ferry activity. Most of the ferries dock near the iconic Ferry Building, but there are many destinations, so the boats are constantly arriving and departing. I have no details here – just photos of some of the ferries I saw that day.

When I was there
March and April 2019
